How We Started

نحن نسعى جاهدين لنكون الاختيار الأول لأطباء أسنان الأطفال وخاصة أطباء أسنان الأطفال في مصر؛ من خلال تعزيز علاقة مدى الحياة مبنية على الثقة وتجربة الرعاية الاستثنائية. نحن نسعى جاهدين أيضًا لإزالة العوائق التي تحول دون حصول الأطفال على أسنان صحية. في عيادة الأسرة، نعمل على إزالة هذه الحواجز مثل رهاب طبيب الأسنان.

2018 – 2022


Familie clinic

Familie clinic has been established in 2018 to provide dental and gynecological treatments by experienced doctors.


Dr.Asmaa Khalid Ali has been graduated from the faculty of the oral and maxillofacial surgery department, El Qasr El Ainy, then she had her diploma in Pediatric dentistry Ain shams university, she is a member of the Egyptian fellowship of family medicine.


She had been started her career in pediatrics at Safwa Dental clinic.

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Then she has been moved to Smile ARC as a pedodontist.


She has been worked at Dr.Mohamed Khaled’s dental clinic.

familie clinic

She has been moved to Smile Designers- Dr.Ramy Hegazy.

She became one of familie clinic owners and founders. 

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Get In Touch

كتاب :
‎+20 155 945 9887
WhatsApp :
+20 109 977 6446
Email Us :
Address :
El Meerag el sofly 9082 in front of Military Camp , Maadi, Cairo

About Familie Clinics

From the very first beginning, when our clinic was just an idea, we
hoped that we create a place that is not only concerned with dental and gynecological treatment, we wished for more comprehensive idea

Working Hours